RSN Announces the 22nd Annual Essay Contest Winners!

The theme for this year, “Which film, television series, book, or song provides you with comfort?”, inspired people living with kidney disease to share their personal stories. The contest offered a platform for writers to highlight how their favorite media has served as a source of solace and strength while living with kidney disease. The contest is open to anyone in the United States who has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.
Lori Hartwell, Founder and President of the Renal Support Network, expressed her gratitude to the participants for sharing their personal stories. She remarked, “This year’s theme focused on addressing one of the most common challenges faced by people living with kidney disease: anxiety and depression. I often struggle with what I call the ‘committee in my head,’ which creates all kinds of negative scenarios when I’m trying to enjoy the moment. Over time, I’ve learned to quiet that voice. One way I do this is by immersing myself in uplifting activities—whether it’s listening to good music, reading a great book, or watching a funny movie or TV show. These activities help me take a deep breath, refocus, and stay present. Life is too short to let that internal committee rob you of joy.”
Read and Listen to the Winning Essay of the 22nd Annual Essay Contest:
The top five winning essays will also available to read in Spanish.
I Love Lucy, 1st Place, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
From Comic Books to Coping, 2nd Place, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Turning Music into Triumphs, 3rd Place, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Prescribed by Grey’s, 4th Place, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Matlock Is My Inspiration, President’s Pick, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Are You Full?, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Heroes, Zombies, and Kidneys, Oh My!, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Navigating Through My Comfort, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Courage, Strength, and Music, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
So Many Possibilities, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
A Community of We, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Back to the Sea, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
The Songs of Dialysis, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
A Lifetime as One, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Sixty-six Years and Counting, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
A Yankee Doodle Viewer, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Lessons from an Aardvark, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Dance with My Father Again, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
To the Future, Honorable Mention, RSN’s 22nd Annual Essay Contest
Read Past Winning Essays:
22nd Annual Essay Contest
21st Annual Essay Contest
20th Annual Essay Contest
19th Annual Essay Contest
18th Annual Essay Contest
17th Annual Essay Contest
16th Annual Essay Contest
15th Annual Essay Contest
14th Annual Essay Contest
13th Annual Essay Contest
12th Annual Essay Contest
11th Annual Essay Contest
10th Annual Essay Contest
9th Annual Essay Contest
8th Annual Essay Contest
7th Annual Essay Contest
6th Annual Essay Contest
5th Annual Essay Contest
4th Annual Essay Contest
3rd Annual Essay Contest
2nd Annual Essay Contest
1st Annual Essay Contest
The 22nd Annual Essay Contest is Closed for Submissions. Winners will be announced in September 2024.
Stay tuned for the winner of the 22nd Annual Essay Contest!

This year the theme is “Which film, television series, book, or song provides you with comfort?”
RSN is thrilled to unveil the theme for its 22nd annual essay contest. This year, we invite people who have kidney disease to share their personal story about how a cherished form of entertainment media aids in your journey of navigating life with kidney disease. We encourage writers to explore the question: “Which film, television series, book, or song provides you with comfort?”
The contest is open to all people in the United States who have been diagnosed with kidney disease, have had a kidney transplant, or are on dialysis.
For submissions to be accepted, they must be typed and not exceed 750 words.
Lori Hartwell, RSN’s founder and president, says: “Numerous TV shows, books, and music have been instrumental in assisting me during challenging times by helping me navigate through my emotions. I eagerly anticipate hearing the stories that others have to share.”
Contest winners will receive cash prizes: First Place, $500; Second Place, $300; and Third Place, $100. The submission deadline is August 10, 2024. Winners will be announced on the week of September 23, 2024, and winning essays will be featured in RSN’s publication KidneyTalk™ Magazine and on
All entries must be postmarked or received by 12:00 PM (PT) on August 13, 2024.
Read and Listen to the Winning Essay of the 21st Annual Essay Contest:
The top five winning essays are also available to read in Spanish.
Landscaping, Gardening, and Flowers Everywhere, 1st Place Winning Essay, 21st Annual Essay Contest
A Dash of Creativity, 2nd Place Winning Essay, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Mind Games, 3rd Place Winning Essay, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Flip the Script, 4th Place Winning Essay, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Birdhouse Blessings, President’s Pick, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Jump In! Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Did you eat yet?, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Happy Pens, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Coping by the Layers, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
A Tale of Tasty Triumphs, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
The Power of Three, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Enjoy the Moments, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
A Novel Approach, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
The Lime Green Blanket, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
O, Yes You Can(e)!, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
A Recipe for Happiness, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Tokens of Love, Honorable Mention, 21st Annual Essay Contest
Read Past Winning Essays:
21st Annual Essay Contest
20th Annual Essay Contest
19th Annual Essay Contest
18th Annual Essay Contest
17th Annual Essay Contest
16th Annual Essay Contest
15th Annual Essay Contest
14th Annual Essay Contest
13th Annual Essay Contest
12th Annual Essay Contest
11th Annual Essay Contest
10th Annual Essay Contest
9th Annual Essay Contest
8th Annual Essay Contest
7th Annual Essay Contest
6th Annual Essay Contest
5th Annual Essay Contest
4th Annual Essay Contest
3rd Annual Essay Contest
2nd Annual Essay Contest
1st Annual Essay Contest
Read and Listen to the Winning Essay of the 20th Annual Essay Contest:
The theme of 20th annual essay contest was “Surviving Tough Times, sharing a strategy that helps cope with kidney disease.” — inspired people who have kidney disease to share their experiences and how they learned to cope with the illness. The contest is open to anyone in the United States who has been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease.
We congratulate our 1ST – 4TH place winners, 2 President’s Picks, and 12 Honorable Mentions who shared their strategies to survive and thrive with this illness.
“It’s hard for me to believe that it’s been 20 years since we hosted the first essay contest,” says Lori Hartwell, President and Founder of RSN. “Every year I have the privilege of reading my peers’ amazing stories. These stories are the fuel that drives hope for people who have kidney disease. Seeing my peers overcome such incredible adversity makes me determined to persevere. Don’t miss this opportunity to read their words of wisdom.”
This is what Brings Me Joy, 1st Place Winning Essay, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Laughter Through Tears, 2nd Place Winning Essay, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Kidney Troubles, 3rd Place Winning Essay, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Call Me Gumby, 4th Place Winning Essay, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Somewhere Over the Rainbow, President’s Pick, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Choosing Hope, President’s Pick, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Love for Literature and Pop Culture, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Surviving CKD and the Hundred Acre Wood, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Blessings, Questions, Dreams, and Imagination, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Let the Truth Be Told, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
It’s Called ‘The Reframe’, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
When the Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay...
Forging Ahead, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
The Practice of Mindfulness, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Living My Life on My Terms, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Still Running My Race, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Tenderly Caring for Myself, Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Keep Persevering , Honorable Mention, 20th Annual Essay Contest
Read Past Winning Essays:
20th Annual Essay Contest
19th Annual Essay Contest
18th Annual Essay Contest
17th Annual Essay Contest
16th Annual Essay Contest
15th Annual Essay Contest
14th Annual Essay Contest
13th Annual Essay Contest
12th Annual Essay Contest
11th Annual Essay Contest
10th Annual Essay Contest
9th Annual Essay Contest
8th Annual Essay Contest
7th Annual Essay Contest
6th Annual Essay Contest
5th Annual Essay Contest
4th Annual Essay Contest
3rd Annual Essay Contest
2nd Annual Essay Contest
1st Annual Essay Contest
Get the Essay Collection Book
RSN’s book of essays “Hope, Inspiration & Wisdom: A Treasury of Thoughts on Coping with Kidney Disease” is available for purchase.
Order the Printed Book for $14.95 or the Kindle Book for $6.99
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