
Create Your Own Fundraiser for RSN

Celebrate a special occasion and make it even more meaningful by creating a personal fundraising page to support RSN’s life-enriching programs. Your fundraiser can be in celebration of any occasion. Here are some ideas:

Pledge Your Birthday – Donate your special day. You can share it with your family and friends to let them know in lieu of gifts, you would like them to donate to RSN to your personal fundraiser.

Honor an Organ Donor – Thank your organ donor and honor them for the generosity of their gift.

Kidney Transplant Anniversary – Celebrate a life-changing milestone.

Honor a Loved One with a Tribute Fundraiser – A thoughtful way to honor someone whose life has been impacted by kidney disease.

Support the Renal Teen Prom


Support All of RSN’s Programs


Tribute Campaign

Send a Teen to Prom


Support All of RSN’s Programs


Transplant Anniversary Campaign

Send a Teen to Prom


Support All of RSN’s Programs

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