RSN is proud to present our Kidney Transplant Dashboard. This tool will help you see at a glance national and state statistics. You can look up how many transplants have been done for any specific time frame. You can see how many people are “active” on the waiting list. And you can locate all of the transplant centers (hospitals) in your region.
Active vs. Not Active on the Kidney Transplant Wait List
If you are listed on the kidney transplant wait list, do you know if you are active? Over 40 percent of people are not active on the kidney transplant list. “Not Active” means your name is on the list, but a box is checked which prevents you from being matched in the system.
You may be checked as “not active” if you are waiting to get some type of medical testing completed or experiencing a health issue which needs to be resolved. If you are unsure what your status is, ask your transplant team to confirm whether you are active on the list.
Click here for a Transplant Dashboard Glossary and Usage Guide if you need help using the dashboard or understanding the meaning of each set of statistics.
RSN’s “Share Your Spare” campaign brings awareness to the public about their kidneys and how to keep them healthy, kidney disease treatment options, deceased organ donation and about the option of living donation.
Dashboard Data Sources:
Web ID TXData