Stanley C. Jordan, MD’s research to reduce organ rejection, breakthroughs in antibody desensitization therapy and other advances in kidney transplantation.
What are antibodies? How do they contribute to transplant rejection? How do they block your access to the kidney transplant list? What can be done to manage antibodies? Stanley C. Jordan, MD, Director of Nephrology & Transplant Immunology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a pioneering kidney transplant researcher, who has received the International Society of Nephrology’s highest honor for groundbreaking work that improves the lives of kidney transplant patients while preserving the precious resource of donated organs has answered many of the questions.
Listen in to hear about his research to reduce organ rejection, breakthroughs in antibody desensitization therapy and other advances in transplantation.
More Podcasts and Webinars featuring Dr. Stanley Jordan:
Understanding and Preventing Transplant Rejection
Innovations for Post-Transplant Care with Stanley Jordan, MD
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Hosted By Lori Hartwell
Lori Hartwell is the Founder & President of Renal Support Network (RSN) and the host of KidneyTalk®, a radio podcast show. Lori was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of two. In 1993 she founded RSN to instill “health, happiness and hope” into the lives of those affected by chronic kidney disease. Lori is also the author of the inspirational book Chronically Happy: Joyful Living in Spite of Chronic Illness and is a four-time kidney transplant recipient.
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