When: Sunday, January 14, 2018 is 6pm – 11pm
Where: Glendale Hilton Ballroom, 100 W. Glenoaks Blvd., Glendale, CA 91202
What: Renal Support Network’s 19th Annual Renal Teen prom. The prom is instrumental in helping young people who have kidney disease get to know each other, support each other and make an empowered transition to young adulthood in-spite of their chronic illness. Themed “Calypso,” the memorable event will feature colorful décor, dancing, renal friendly food, photo booth and celebrity appearances. Jack Black of the recent hit movie Jumanji is a devoted champion of children’s causes and has been a frequent supporter of the Renal Teen prom.
“It always feels good to support a great cause. My goal is to leave them smiling, enjoying and just having a great prom.” – Jack Black
Why: The Renal Teen Prom is inspired by Lori Hartwell, RSN’s President and Founder, who missed her own prom due to being on dialysis from ages 12-24 and missing many school activities. She didn’t want other teens to miss this coming of age event and have the opportunity to meet and get to know each other. The prom brings these young people together to share their experiences, strengths, and hopes. It gives them something to look forward to, lets them feel special for a night and forget about all the difficult things they have to go through. They discover that they are not alone and that ‘one friend really can make a difference’.
“This is always a fantastic night for these kids and for RSN. I’m fortunate to have had the opportunity to get know these inspiring young people. It’s very moving to see some of the same kids who come back year after year. Sometimes they miss a year because they are too sick, but they come back the next year full of hope. We can’t forget that there is a cycle with this illness. We have to support people in the up times and the down times, so they can get through this journey of kidney disease and live the life they were meant to life, happy and joyous,” said Lori Hartwell, President & Founder.
Who: The Renal Support Network (RSN) is a nonprofit patient-run organization that empowers people who have kidney disease to become knowledgeable about their illness, proactive in their care, hopeful about their future and make friendships that last a lifetime. RSN’s hopeful and life-enriching, non-medical programs help people who have kidney disease and their families, whether they are in the early stages of the disease, are on dialysis, or have received a kidney transplant. Learn more at
Renal Support Network thanks AstraZenaca, Davita, Fresenius Medical, Genentech, OneLegacy and U.S. Renal Care for their support of the 19th Renal Teen Prom.
Watch previous Annual Renal Teen Prom event videos and view event photos at