Notice, this video is NOT for training, the intent is to share the patient experience only!
Embracing Independence with Kidney Disease: A Candid Look Behind the Scenes During a Home Dialysis Treatment featuring Rachel Cluthe.
Watch as Rachel Cluthe of Houston, TX, along with her husband and two daughters demonstrate a home-hemodialysis treatment from start to finish.
“I’ve been doing home hemodialysis for four years now. It offers a sense of freedom and independence. Instead of visiting a clinic several times a week, I have the ability to manage my dialysis treatment on my own terms. Setting up the dialysis machine, connecting the needles, and monitoring the process have become familiar routines. It’s empowering to have the knowledge and skills to handle my treatment with confidence.
Performing hemodialysis at home has significantly increased my flexibility and convenience. I can schedule my dialysis sessions around my daily activities, whether it’s spending time with family, pursuing hobbies, or maintaining my career. Home hemodialysis adapts to my lifestyle, rather than the other way around,” says Rachel.
“Rachel, thank you for sharing your story with me. Hours of videos let me see how brilliant, courageous you are and cool headed you are under pressure. I admire your strength, sense of humor and zest for life. You and Jason are such loving, devoted parents to your girls. I am so glad to know you are listed on the kidney transplant and hope the call comes soon.” –Lori Hartwell
Click here for our helpful guide to designing your room for home treatment.
Rachel Cluthe has been doing hemodialysis at home for four years. In this video, she shares her story while doing a home hemodialysis treatment. The goal of this video is to see first-hand what dialysis at home looks like. Always consult with your nurse or doctor regarding training protocols.
Home hemodialysis involves the use of a dialysis machine to remove waste and excess fluids from the blood because your kidneys no longer function properly. Many experts agree that home dialysis—either peritoneal or hemodialysis—is the best option for treating kidney failure whenever possible. That’s because choosing home dialysis can mean greater scheduling flexibility, fewer food restrictions, and better outcomes.
A home hemo treatment for Rachel is three hours and she does this four times a week. This video is 72 minutes long. Watching this entire video is a commitment, but it will give you an idea of the patient’s experience and time commitment.
People who require dialysis set aside a significant amount of time for home treatments and often equate it to a part time job. But it is worth it because it is a lifesaving treatment.
Recently there has been a lot of discussion and effort by the kidney community toward encouraging more people who have kidney failure to choose home dialysis. Overall, home dialysis use is only about 17.4% as of June 2022. That means that 82.6% of people on dialysis are going to a dialysis clinic for treatment.
Although some people just prefer not to do their treatments at home, others face barriers that keep them in-center. It appears that there needs to be more focus on addressing the barriers and identifying solutions.
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