RSN’s Support Group meetings for people who have kidney disease and their family members is now online.
RSN’s support groups will begin meeting online via Zoom. Participants need not have a zoom account. There will be a link provided before each meeting. You will have the option of dialing in via a phone or you may download the Zoom app to your smartphone, tablet, desktop computer or laptop computer. Registration will be required, use the form below to sign up. Instructions will be emailed to you upon registering for the online support group.
Finding support beyond that offered by family and friends can help you cope with the life changes of kidney disease. Support groups have shown to reduce loneliness, provide a sense of empowerment, improve coping skills, reduce anxiety, help develop a clearer understanding of what to expect and provide hope for the future. People who attend RSN’s support group share their experiences, strength and strategies to live a hopeful and joyful life. Join us!
What people are saying about the Renal Support Network Support Group:
“My first contact with Renal Support Network (RSN) was by happenstance. A friend of mine wanted to attend a support group meeting held by RSN and I just went along for the ride with no intention of actually attending the meeting. As GOOD luck would have it, I did attend the meeting and found a wonderful group of compassionate, understanding, and supportive people at RSN who selflessly gave of themselves to help the attendees. I was hooked and could not wait until the next meeting a month later. Fast forward to the present and now I volunteer at any possible opportunity. I see how Lori Hartwell and her staff and programs affect people in such a positive way. I personally have seen attendees to the support group meeting walk in with a heavy heart and leave hopeful for the future, just as I did over a year ago.” – mbgc

“It’s hard to believe but it has been one year this month that I met Lori Hartwell and the crew at the Renal Support Network. I was referred to Lori by a Nurse at my clinic and that has turned out to be some of the best advice I have ever received. I first went to a RSN support meeting seeking to see firsthand how others were dealing with the same illness that I had. My life was changed at that meeting. Lori has taught me to lift the spirits of other patients by telling my own story while listening to theirs. I have made a few fortunes over the years but none have equaled the values of life that Lori has shared with me. Lori Hartwell and the Renal Support Network have taught me how to help people smile and cope and in turn that puts a big smile on me! I haven’t missed a support group meeting since that very first one last year. In fact, I now attend RSN’s support group every month as well as volunteer for anything and everything I can to help others. Thank you Lori Hartwell!” – Cher Thomas