
Kidney Resources by State

Renal Resources by state

Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Mission is to enable Alabama’s children and adults with disabilities achieve their maximum potential.
Website: http://www.rehab.alabama.gov/

Alabama Kidney Foundation
Provides financial assistance, education, recreational opportunities, and support programs for kidney patients in the state.
Website: www.alkidney.org

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Network 8, Inc.
Mission is to facilitate the continuous improvement of ESRD healthcare systems through data analysis, quality management and rehabilitation initiatives, special studies, patient involvement, and community outreach in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Website: www.esrdnetwork8.org/

Alabama Dialysis Patient Citizens
Website: http://www.dialysispatients.org/advocacy/state-resources/alabama

Alabama Organ Donation Registration, DMV
Information and links to register online or via mail to become an organ donor through the Alabama DMV
Website: dmv.org/al-alabama/organ-donor.php

National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of Alabama, Inc.
Website: [email protected]

Alaska Kidney Foundation
Dedicated to helping people with, and at risk of, kidney disease.
Phone: (907) 563-8550
E-mail: [email protected]

Alaska Kidney Patients Association
Website: https://www.alaskakidney.org

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Website: www.labor.state.alaska.gov/dvr

ESRD Network 16, Northwest Renal Network
Mission is to promote optimal dialysis and transplant care for kidney patients in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Website: www.nwrn.org

Life Alaska
Life Alaska is dedicated to increasing organ and tissue donation through professional transplant services, compassionate support of families, and community education.
Website: www.lifealaska.org

National Kidney Foundation serving Alaska Facebook Page

ESRD Network 15 Intermountain ESRD Network
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Website: www.esrdnet15.org/

Arizona Kidney Foundation

Paul’s Taxi
Transportation service that takes renal care vouchers in North Phoenix, North Scottsdale, Anthem, Glendale, Cave Creek, Peoria,Surprise, El Mirage, Sun City, Carefree, Arrowhead, and other north valley areas. Full sized sedans, 24-hour support staff to route and arrange transportation. Can transport wheelchair-bound guests only if they are able to transfer.
Website: www.paulstaxi.com

Phoenix Area Kidney Warriors
Support Group Meetings
2nd Sunday of every month
Burton Barr Central Library
1221 N Central
Phoenix, AS
Meeting Room B
NW side of 1st floor
Email: [email protected]

Rehabilitation Services Administration
Mission is to work with individuals with disabilities to achieve independence and/or gainful employment.
Website: www.azdes.gov

Donate Life Arizona
Information about organ donation and link to regsiter to become an organ donor.
Website: www.donatelifeaz.org

Arkansas Kidney Disease Commission
Established by the state General Assembly to institute a program for the care and treatment of people suffering from chronic kidney disease.
Website: www.arsinfo.org/kidney_forms/Rules_of_Operation.pdf

Arkansas Rehabilitation Services
Website: www.arsinfo.org/employment.html

FMQAI: ESRD Network 13
Provides services and outreach programs for ESRD patients in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
Website: www.network13.org/

NKF of Arkansas, Inc.
Website: www.kidney.org

Arkansas Donate Life
Website: donatelifearkansas.org/Home.aspx

Arkansas Organ Donation Registration, DMV
Website: www.dmv.org/ar-arkansas/organ-donor.php

Harrison House Little Rock
Contact Bobby Walker for information.
Facebook Page: @TheHarrisonHouseLittleRock

Department of Rehabilitation
Disability Resources
Website: www.rehab.cahwnet.gov

ESRD Network 17
Provides leadership for chronic dialysis and transplantation professionals to promote delivery of the highest quality care to people with ESRD in northern California, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and Saipan.
Western Pacific Renal Network, LLC
Website: www.esrdnet17.org

Mission is to provide leadership, assistance and information aimed at improving the outcomes, safety, improvement, and satisfaction of ESRD patients.FMQAI: ESRD Network 18

Southern California Renal Disease Council, Inc.
Website: www.esrdnetwork18.org

Independent Living Center of Southern California (ILCSC)
The ILCSC is dedicated to providing the services which will offer persons with disabilities the opportunity to seek an individual course towards independence – while educating the community.
Website: www.ilcsc.org/

Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid program. This is a public health insurance program which provides needed health care services for low-income individuals including families with children, seniors, persons with disabilities, foster care, pregnant women, and low income people with specific diseases such as tuberculosis, breast cancer or HIV/AIDS.  Medi-Cal is financed equally by the State and federal government.
Website: www.dhcs.ca.gov

Community Health Partnership – Diabetes Coalition of Santa Clara County
Provides low-income, uninsured or underinsured individuals access to diabetic medical supplies, with an emphasis on the Latino population.
Website: www.chpscc.org

NKF of Southern California, Inc.
Website: www.kidneysocal.org/

UCSD Kidney Transplant Support Group
Provides support for the pre- and post-renal transplant patient at meetings held on the third Tuesday of every month.
University of California, San Diego (UCSD) Medical Center
Website: health.ucsd.edu

Department of Human Services/Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Assists individuals whose disabilities result in barriers to employment. See website for numerous statewide offices.
Website: https://dvr.colorado.gov

ESRD Network 15
Intermountain ESRD Network
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

Website: www.hsag.com

Colorado Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: www.dmv.org/co-colorado/organ-donor.php

Department of Human Services
Website: www.colorado.gov/cdhs

NKF of Colorado, Montana & Wyoming, Inc.
Website: https://www.kidney.org/offices/nkf-serving-colorado-and-new-mexico

Renal Transplant Patient and Family Support Group
Where pre- and new kidney transplant patients from the medical center can meet post-transplant patients for tips and other information.
Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Swedish Medical Center
Phone: (303) 839-6375
E-mail: [email protected]

ESRD Network 1 IPRO ESRD Network of New England
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Website: esrd.ipro.org/home/nw1/esrd-network-1/

NKF of Connecticut, Inc.
Website: www.kidney.org/

State of Connecticut Department of Social Services
Provides a broad range of services to the disabled, elderly, and individuals requiring assistance in maintaining or achieving their full potential for self-directed, self-reliable, and independent living.
Website: www.ct.gov/dss/cwp/view.asp?a=2345&q=304868

Transplant Support Organization
Participants include kidney, heart, liver, lung, and pancreas candidates and recipients in several New York counties and southern Connecticut with monthly meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month except July and August.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: https://www.transplantsupport.org

Delaware Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Goal is to provide opportunities and resources to those with disabilities leading to successful employment and independent living. 
Website: https://labor.delaware.gov/divisions/dvr/ 

Quality Insights Renal Network 4
Mission: to ensure ESRD patients in Pennsylvania and Delaware receive the highest quality of care.
Website: www.qirn4.org

Delaware Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: https://services.dmv.de.gov/donor/

NKF Maryland and Deleware
Website: www.kidney.org/offices/nkf-serving-maryland-delaware

ESRD Network 5, HSAG
Dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to ESRD patients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition
Website: https://www.qirn5.org/Home.aspx

NKF of the National Capital Area, Inc.
Website: www.kidneywdc.org

Transplant Recipients International Organization (TRIO)
Transplantation and organ donation information and resources for transplant candidates, recipients, donors, and their families.
Website: www.trioweb.org

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Website: dds.dc.gov

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Mission is to enable individuals with disabilities obtain and maintain employment.
Website: www.rehabworks.org/

HSAG: The Florida ESRD Network
Function is to serve as a liaison between the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, ESRD providers, and ESRD patients.
Website: https://www.hsag.com

Florida Donate Life
Website: www.donatelifeflorida.org

Florida Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: www.dmv.org

NKF of Florida, Inc.
Website: www.kidney.org

ESRD Network 6
Aims to help dialysis and renal transplant centers achieve high standards of care for kidney patients in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Southeastern Kidney Council
Website: network6.esrd.ipro.org

Georgia Department of Labor
Goal is to help people with disabilities become fully productive members of society by achieving independence and meaningful employment.
Rehabilitation Services
Website: gvs.georgia.gov

NKF of Georgia, Inc.
Website: www.kidneyga.org/

ESRD Network 17
Provides leadership for chronic dialysis and transplantation professionals to promote delivery of the highest quality care to people with ESRD in northern California, Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, and Saipan.
Western Pacific Renal Network, LLC
Website: www.esrdnet17.org

Hawaii Donate Life
Website: donatelifehawaii.org

Hawaii Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: www.dmv.org/hi-hawaii

NKF of Hawaii, Inc.
Website: www.kidneyhi.org/

Vocational Rehabilitation and Services for the Blind Division
Provides the rehabilitation needs of persons with disabilities so they can secure employment and lead full and productive lives.
Website: http://hawaiivr.org/

Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Committed to empowering people with disabilities find the appropriate resources to make informed choices about their futures.
Website: www.vr.idaho.gov/

ESRD Network 16, Northwest Renal Network
Mission is to promote optimal dialysis and transplant care for kidney patients in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Website: www.nwrenalnetwork.org/

Idaho Donor Registry
Strives to ensure that anyone who wishes to donate can document their wishes and provides educational materials on the benefits of organ, eye, tissue, and lung donation.
Website: www.yesidaho.org

Idaho Donor Registry, DMV registration
Website: dmv.org/id-idaho/organ-donor.php

NKF of Utah & Idaho, Inc.
Website: www.kidneyut.org

ESRD Network 10
The Renal Network is the contractor with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for ESRD Networks 9/10.
Website: www.therenalnetwork.org/

Illinois Department of Human Services
DRS works with people with disabilities and their families to assist them in making informed choices to achieve full community participation through employment, education, and independent living opportunities.
Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS)
Website: www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx

NKF of Illinois, Inc.
Website: www.nkfi.org/

OTS: Organ Transplant Support
Publishes  a newsletter, “The Miracle Messenger” emphasizing awareness, resources, education, support.
Website: www.otsfriends.org

ESRD Network 9
The Renal Network is the contractor with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for ESRD Networks 9/10.
Website: www.therenalnetwork.org/

Indiana Family and Social Services
Provides quality, individualized services to assist those with disabilities prepare for, obtain, and retain employment.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Website: www.in.gov/fssa/servicedisabl/vr/index/html

NKF of Indiana, Inc.
Website: www.kidney.org

ESRD Network 12, Heartland Kidney Network
Acts as liaison between ESRD providers and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services serving patients in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Website: heartlandkidney.org

NKF of Iowa, Inc.
Website: www.kidneyia.org

Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Website: www.ivrs.iowa.gov/

Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services
Mission: To protect children and promote adult self-sufficiency.
Website: www.srskansas.org/

ESRD Network 12, Heartland Kidney Network
Acts as liaison between ESRD providers and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services serving patients in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Website: www.network12.org/

NKF of Kansas & Western Missouri, Inc.
Website: www.kidneyksmo.org/

Kentucky Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals who have disabilities that impede employment.
Website: srs.ks.gov

ESRD Network 9
The Renal Network is the contractor with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for ESRD Networks 9/10.
Website: therenalnetwork.org

Kidney Health Alliance of Kentucky
The foundation’s mission is to help kidney disease patients and their families increase awareness, early detection of chronic kidney disease, and promote organ donor awareness.
Website: khaky.org


NKF of Kentucky, Inc.
Louisville, KY
Phone: (502) 585-5433
Toll-free: (800) 737-5433
Fax: (502) 585-1445
Website: kidney.org/offices

Department of Social Services
Assists people with disabilities in their desire to obtain or maintain employment and/or achieve independence in their communities.

Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
Website: fraudreporting.dcfs.la.gov

ESRD Network 13, FMQAI: ESRD ESRD Network 13
Provides patient services and outreach programs for ESRD patients in
Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
Website: hsag.com

NKF of Louisiana, Inc.
Website: kidneyla.org

ESRD Network 1

Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Website: networkofnewengland.org

Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)

BRS works to bring about full access to employment, independence, and community integration for people with disabilities.
Website: maine.gov

Maine Donate Life

Maine Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: maine.gov

NKF of New England
Website: kidney.org/offices

ESRD Network 5
Dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to ESRD patients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Website: esrdnet5.org

Division of Rehabilitation Services
Supports the employment and economic independence of Maryland citizens with disabilities.
Website: dors.maryland.gov

NKF of Maryland, Inc.
Website: kidneymd.org

ESRD Network 1
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Website: networkofnewengland.org

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
Promotes equality, empowerment, and independence in persons with disabilities. Health & Human Services
Website: www.mass.gov

Donate Life Massachusetts
Website: donatelifenewengland.org

Massachusetts Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/ma-massachusetts

NKF of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Inc.
Website: kidney.org

Wings Flights of Hope
The mission of Wings Flights of Hope Inc. is to help people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes. At the time of posting this link locations are: New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH. Check the Wings Flights of Hope website for updates and to request a flight.

ESRD Network 11: Renal Network of the Upper Midwest, Inc.

St. Paul, MN
Goal is to improve the quality of services for people with ESRD in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Website: midwestkidneynetwork.org

Kalamazoo Area Renal Support
From the website: Feel free to come join our meetings any time. We generally meet the 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month unless otherwise posted on our site or in the units. This year (2018) we have posted our meeting schedule in the units as well as on our website.

We meet at the Gilmore Health Education Center at Bronson Methodist Hospital (across from the ER).  Once you have arrived, look at the TV monitors on the wall or just follow the signs. We meet from 2-4pm but someone is usually there by 1:15pm.
Website: kzooarsg.org

Michigan Rehabilitation Services
Mission: to assist individuals with disabilities with finding employment and obtaining self-sufficiency. Check website below for numerous state offices.
Website: michigan.gov/mdhhs

NKF of Michigan, Inc.
Website: www.nkfm.org

Second Chance at Life
Second Chance at Life provides financial support to transplant patients in Michigan who cannot otherwise afford prescriptions, medical bills, and other necessities during and/or after a transplant.
Website: secondchanceatlife.org

ESRD Network 11
St. Paul, MN
Goal is to improve the quality of services for people with ESRD in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Website: midwestkidneynetwork.org

Department of Employment and Economic Development
Rehabilitation Services Branch
Helps people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job.
Website: deed.state.mn.us

Gift of Life Transplant House
Provides transplant patients and their caregivers with high quality, affordable accommodations in a supportive, home-like environment.
705 Second Street SW, Rochester, MN 55902
Website: gift-of-life.org

Donate Life Minnesota
Website donatelifemidwest.org

Minnesota Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/mn-minnesota

NKF of Minnesota, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

ESRD Network 8, Inc.
Mission is to facilitate the continuous improvement of ESRD healthcare systems through data analysis, quality management and rehabilitation initiatives, special studies, patient involvement, and community outreach in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee.
Website: esrdnetwork8.org

Department of Rehabilitation Services
Strives to provide appropriate and comprehensive services to Mississippians with disabilities in a timely and effective manner.
Website: mdrs.ms.gov

Mississippi Kidney Foundation, Inc.
Mission is to serve Mississippi kidney patients by providing quality programs and services, to provide education and screening to promote the prevention of kidney disease, and to promote organ donation throughout the state.
Website: kidneyms.org

Donate Life Mississippi
Website: donatelifems.org

Mississippi Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/ms-mississippi

NKF of Mississippi (Mississippi Kidney Foundation)
Website: kidneyms.org

ESRD Network 12, Heartland Kidney Network

Acts as liaison between ESRD providers and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services serving patients in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Website: heartlandkidney.org

The Gift of Life: Organ Donation in Missouri
Website: missourilife.com

Missouri Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: www.dmv.org/mo-missouri

Missouri Kidney Program
The Missouri Kidney Program (MoKP) is a state funded organization that supports renal education and research, as well as providing financial assistance for eligible Missourians who suffer from End-Stage-Renal-Disease or have received a kidney transplant.
Website: https://mokp.org/

Contact email and phone number:
email:             [email protected]
Phone number:     1-800-733-7345


NKF of Eastern Missouri & Metro East, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

NKF of Kansas & Western Missouri, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

PKD Foundation for Research in Polycystic Kidney Disease
Mission is to promote research to find a cure for PKD and improve the care and treatment of those it affects.

Website: pkdcure.org

State Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
Works to provide high-quality services to persons with disabilities.
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Website: dese.mo.gov

ESRD Network 16, Northwest Renal Network
Mission is to promote optimal dialysis and transplant care for kidney patients in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Website: nwrn.org 

Department of Public Health & Human Services
Mission is to provide services to help state residents with physical, mental, or development disabilities.
Disability Services Division
Website: dphhs.mt.gov

Montana Donate Life Today
Website: serve.mt.gov

Montana Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/mt-montana

NKF of Colorado, Montana & Wyoming, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

ESRD Network 12, Heartland Renal Network
Acts as liaison between ESRD providers and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services serving patients in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
Website: heartlandkidney.org

Nebraska Department of Education
Helps people with disabilities join the workforce.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Website: vr.nebraska.gov

Nebraska Kidney Association, Inc. (NKA)
The Nebraska Kidney Association seeks to improve the lives of all Nebraskans through advocacy, education, early disease detection and patient services.
Website: kidneyne.org

Nebraska Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/ne-nebraska

ESRD Network 15

Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Website: hsag.com

Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation
Provides services for those suffering from disabilities to help them work and live independently.
Website: detr.state.nv.us

Nevada Donate Life
Website: donatelifenevada.org

Nevada Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/nv-nevada

NKF of Nevada and Southern California, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Living Well with Kidney Disease: A Las Vegas Kidney Support Group
This support group meets on the second Sunday of each month (3rd Sunday in May for Mother’s day). It is held at 1:00pm at the UMC Center for Transplantation, 901 Rancho Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89108. E-mail [email protected] for specific directions and map or for more information

ESRD Network 1
IPRO ESRD Network of New England
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Website: esrd.ipro.org

New Hampshire Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
State Department of Education
Provides information about education and employment for people with disabilities.
Website: education.nh.gov

New Hampshire Donate Life
Website: donatelifenewengland.org

New Hampshire Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/nh-new-hampshire

NKF of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Goal is to help individuals with disabilities who are having trouble finding or holding a job because of their disability.
Website: lwd.dol.state.nj.us

ESRD Network 3, Quality Insights
Provides the professional framework within which the provision of quality of care to consumers of ESRD services in New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands can be maximized.
Website: qirn3.org

New Jersey Donate Life
Website: www.dmv.org/nh-new-hampshire

New Jersey Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: state.nj.us

Wings Flights of Hope
The mission of Wings Flights of Hope Inc. is to help people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes. At the time of posting this link locations are: New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH. Check the Wings Flights of Hope website for updates and to request a flight.

ESRD Network 15
Intermountain ESRD Network
Lakewood, CO
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Website: hsag.com

New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Helps people with disabilities achieve a suitable employment outcome.
See website for numerous statewide offices.
Website: dvr.state.nm.us

New Mexico Donate Life
Website: donatelifenm.org

New Mexico Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/nm-new-mexico

NKF of New Mexico, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Center for Donation & Transplant
Goals are to facilitate the procurement and equitable distribution of medically suitable organs and tissues for transplant and to provide long-term support and comfort to families involved in the donation process.
Website: cdtny.org

ESRD Network 2
Dedicated to improving the standard of care and quality of life for renal patients in dialysis and transplant facilities in the state.
IPRO ESRD Network of New York
Website: esrd.ipro.org

New York Donate Life
Website: liveonny.org

New York Alliance for Donation, Inc.
Dedicated to increasing organ and tissue donation throughout the state by enhancing awareness through education, outreach, and evaluation emphasizing the need for, and benefits of, donation and transplantation.
Website: alliancefordonation.org

New York Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.ny.gov

The Kidney Foundation of Western New York
The Kidney Foundation of Western New York is dedicated to increasing awareness and improving lives of those with kidney disease. The foundation offers free kidney health screenings in the community, provides information and materials on kidney health risk factors and treatment options, and organizes educational events. Low-income patients can apply through a social worker or directly to the foundation for assistance with short-term transportation assistance, nutritional supplements and medical ID bracelets or pendants.

Service area: Western New York: Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans and Wyoming counties.

Contact email: [email protected]
Phone: 716-529-4390
Website: www.kfwny.org


NKF of Greater New York, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

NKF of Upstate New York, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities
Mission: to promote educational equity and excellence for people with disabilities while ensuring that they receive the rights and protection to which they are entitled.
Website: nyc.gov/nyc

Transplant Support Organization
Participants include kidney, heart, liver, lung, and pancreas candidates and recipients in several New York counties and southern Connecticut with monthly meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month except July and August.
Website: transplantsupport.org

Wings Flights of Hope
The mission of Wings Flights of Hope Inc. is to help people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes. At the time of posting this link locations are: New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH. Check the Wings Flights of Hope website for updates and to request a flight.

ESRD Network 6
Aims to help dialysis and renal transplant centers achieve high standards of care for kidney patients in Georgia, North Carolina, and
South Carolina.
Website: esrdnetworks.org

Department of Health & Human Services
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Provides opportunities to people with mental or physical disabilities
which prevent them from getting and keeping a job.
Website: ncdhhs.gov

Donate Life North Carolina
Website: donatelifenc.org

North Carolina Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: ncdriverservices.org

NKF Serving the Carolinas and North Carolina Charlotte, NC
Website kidney.org/offices

University of North Carolina Kidney Center
The mission of the UNC Kidney Center is to reduce the burden of chronic kidney disease through discovery about the pathophysiology and therapeutics of the disease; through the development and assessment of educational programs about kidney disease for North Carolinians and their primary care physicians and by providing physicians and citizens access to information about the causes and treatments of kidney disease.
Website: unckidneycenter.org

Renal Network 11
Goal is to improve the quality of services for people with ESRD in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
Website: esrdnetworks.org

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Assists those with disabilities achieve employment and increased independence.
Department of Human Services
Website: nd.gov

NKF of the Dakotas, Inc.
Website: kidney.org

ESRD Network 9
The Renal Network is the contractor with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services for ESRD Networks 9/10.
Website: esrd.ipro.org

Kidney Foundation of Ohio
Goal is to provide and promote advocacy, assistance, and education to persons with kidney disease and their families.
Website: kfohio.org

NKF of Ohio, Inc.
Website: kidney.org

Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
Columbus, OH
Helps people with disabilities become employed and independent.
Website: ood.ohio.gov

Transplant House of Cleveland
2007 E. 115th Street
Cleveland, OH 44106
Website: transplanthouseofcleveland.org

Wings Flights of Hope
The mission of Wings Flights of Hope Inc. is to help people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes. At the time of posting this link locations are: New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH. Check the Wings Flights of Hope website for updates and to request a flight.

ESRD Network 13
Provides services and outreach programs for ESRD patients in
Arkansas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma.
FMQAI: ESRD Network 13
Website: hsag.com

Department of Rehabilitation Services (DVR) Oklahoma
DVR serves people with all types of disabilities except those with visual problems.
Website: okrehab.org

NKF Serving Oklahoma, Kansas, and Western Missouri
Website: kidney.org

ESRD Network 16, Northwest Renal Network
Seattle, WA
Mission is to promote optimal dialysis and transplant care for kidney patients in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Website: nwrn.org

Department of Human Services
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Assists Oregonians to become independent, healthy, and safe.

Oregon Donate Life
Website: donatelifenw.org

Oregon Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/or-oregon

(Click a state name to see resources)

ESRD Network 4,
Mission: to ensure ESRD patients in Pennsylvania and Delaware received the highest quality of care.
Quality Insights Renal Network 4
Website: qirn4.org

Gift of life family house
The Family House is an affordable “home away from home” for families coming to the Philadelphia area to receive life-saving transplant care. Solid organ transplant recipients and their families as well as solid organ living donors and their families are eligible as long as they meet the specific requirements. Visit the website or call to learn more.
Website: giftoflifefamilyhouse.org

The Kidney Foundation of Central Pennsylvania
Dedicated to serving patients afflicted with kidney disease and their families.
Website: kfcp.org

NKF of the Alleghenies, Inc.
Website: kidney.org

NKF of the Delaware Valley, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation to people with disabilities.
Website: transitioncouncil.org

Wings Flights of Hope
The mission of Wings Flights of Hope Inc. is to help people in need of free air transportation for medical and humanitarian purposes. At the time of posting this link locations are: New York, NY, Boston, MA, Philadelphia, PA, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH. Check the Wings Flights of Hope website for updates and to request a flight.

ESRD Network 1
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
IPRO ESRD Network of New England
Website: esrdncc.org

Department of Human Services Rhode Island
Office of Rehabilitation Services
Assists individuals with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining, and maintaining employment.
Website: ors.state.ri.us

Rhode Island Donate Life
Website: donatelifenewengland.org

Rhode Island Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org

NKF of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Inc.
Website: kidney.org

ESRD Network 6
Aims to help dialysis and renal transplant centers achieve high standards of care for kidney patients in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
Southeastern Kidney Council
Website: esrd.ipro.org

Donate Life South Carolina
Website: donatelifesc.org

South Carolina Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/sc-south-carolina

NKF of South Carolina, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Vocational Rehabilitation Department
Helps people with disabilities prepare for, achieve, and maintain employment.
Website: scvrd.net

Renal Network 11
Goal is to improve the quality of services for people with ESRD in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Renal Network of the Upper Midwest, Inc.
Website: midwestkidneynetwork.org 

Department of Human Services
Division of Rehabilitation Services
Assists those with disabilities obtain employment, economic self-sufficiency, personal independence, and full inclusion into society.
Website: state.sd.us

South Dakota Donate Life

South Dakota Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/sd-south-dakota

NKF of the Dakotas, Inc.
Website: www.nkfdakotas.org

ESRD Network 8, Inc.
Mission is to facilitate the continuous improvement of ESRD healthcare systems through data analysis, quality management and rehabilitation initiatives, special studies, patient involvement, and community outreach in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Network 8 Phone: 601/932-9260
775 Woodlands Parkway, Suite 300   Fax: 601/932-4446
Ridgeland, MS 39157  Toll Free for Patients: 877/936-9260
email: [email protected]

Department of Human Services
Division of Rehabilitation Services

Helps individuals with disabilities enter or return to employment.
Website: tennessee.gov

Donate Life Tennessee
Website: donatelifetn.org

Tennessee Kidney Foundation
Website: tennesseekidneyfoundation.org/

Tennessee Organ Donor Registry, DMV

Website: dmv.org/tn-tennessee

Tennessee Division of Community Health Services Renal Program (615)741-5225

Provides financial help to dialysis patients for Up to $120/month of total cost of renal-related drugs and nutritional supplements on list; 1 month of in-center dialysis services during Medicare waiting period for those without health insurance or TennCare; Medicare coinsurance for up to 6 out-of-state transient dialysis treatments; Medicare Part A and B premiums for those not getting Social Security benefits; up to $500 in dental services/year; case management and other services provided by the Renal Disease Intervention Program.
Website and full list of programs: www.tn.gov/health/health-contact-information.html


NKF of East Tennessee, Inc.
Website: kidneyetn.org

NKF of West Tennessee, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

ESRD Network 14
ESRD Network of Texas, Inc.
Website: www.esrdnetwork.org

Dialyspa, Inc.
Bringing warmth and true leisure to dialysis care, Dialyspa is far removed from the cold, impersonal atmosphere of high-volume facilities. Our dialysis Centers are designed purely for the patient with the medical insight of a doctor in mind.
Website: dialyspa.com

Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Texas
Assists people with disabilities participate in their communities by achieving their employment of choice, living as independent as possible, and accessing high-quality services.
Website: dars.state.tx.us

Donate Life Texas
Website: donatelifetexas.org

Texas Kidney Foundation
Website: txkidney.org

Texas State Kidney Health Care Program
The Texas Kidney Health Care is a statewide program that helps Texans with end-stage renal disease pay for their treatment, including:

  • Dialysis treatments
  • Access surgery
  • Drugs
  • Travel to transplant or dialysis services
  • Medicare premiums

Website: hhs.texas.gov/services/health/kidney-health-care

NKF Serving Texas, Inc.
Website: www.kidneytx.org

Texas Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/tx-texas

ESRD Network 15
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and
Website: hsag.com

NKF of Utah & Idaho, Inc.
Website: hsag.com

Utah State Office of Rehabilitation
Website: workabilityutah.org

ESRD Network 1
IPRO ESRD Network of New England

Mission is to facilitate the improvement of healthcare and quality of life for individuals with chronic renal insufficiency and those treated with dialysis or transplantation in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
Website: esrdncc.org

Donate Life Vermont
Website: donatelifevt.org

Vermont Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/vt-vermont

NKF of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Vermont Vocational Rehabilitation Division
Agency of Human Services
Waterbury, VT
Goal is to assist Vermonters with disabilities find and maintain meaningful employment in their communities.
Website: vocrehab.vermont.gov

ESRD Network 5
Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition
Richmond, VA
Dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to ESRD patients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Website: esrdnet5.org

Donate Life Virginia
Website: donatelifevirginia.org

Virginia Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/va-virginia

NKF of the Virginias, Inc.

United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)

Richmond, VA
UNOS’ mission is to advance organ availability and transplantation by uniting and supporting its communities for the benefit of patients through education, technology, and policy development.
Website: www.unos.org/

Virginia Department of Rehabilitation Services
Richmond, VA
Helps people with disabilities get ready for, find, and keep a job.
Website: www.vadrs.org/

ESRD Network 16, Northwest Renal Network
Seattle, WA
Mission is to promote optimal dialysis and transplant care for kidney patients in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.
Website: nwrn.org

Donate Life Washington
Website: donatelifetoday.com

Washington Organ Donation Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/wa-washington

NKF of Oregon & Washington, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Department of Social & Health Services
Olympia, WA
Empowers individuals with disabilities achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and maintaining employment.
Website: dshs.wa.gov

UA Medicine
Kidney Transplant Education and Support Group
Meeting held at UW Medicine Kidney Transplant 1959 NE Pacific St., Box 359420, Seattle, WA 98195-9420
Website: uwmedicine.org/kidneytransplant
Download/View Information PDF

ESRD Network 5
Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition
Richmond, VA
Dedicated to improving the quality of care delivered to ESRD patients in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Website: esrdnet5.org

Donate Life West Virginia
Website: donatelife.wv.gov

West Virginia Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/wv-west-virginia

NKF of the Virginias, Inc.
Website: kidney.org/offices

West Virginia Department of Education and The Arts
Division of Rehabilitation Services
Charlestown, WV
Helps those with disabilities prepare for, get, keep, and advance in competitive employment.
Website: edandarts.wv.gov

Renal Network 11
Renal Network of the Upper Midwest, Inc.
St. Paul, MN
Goal is to improve the quality of services for people with ESRD in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Madison, WI
Designed to obtain, maintain, and improve employment for people suffering from disabilities.
Website: dwd.wisconsin.gov

Donate Life Wisconsin
Website: donatelifewisconsin.org

Wisconsin Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/wi-wisconsin

NKF of Wisconsin
Website: kidneywi.org

ESRD Network 15
Intermountain ESRD Network
Lakewood, CO
Mission is to facilitate the improvement of quality of care provided to ESRD patients in Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.
Website: hsag.com

Department of Workforce Services
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Cheyenne, WY
Goal is to advance employment opportunities for persons with disabilities in the state.
Website: wyomingworkforce.org

Front Range Kidney Patients Association
Denver, CO
Goal is to help kidney patients become educated, responsible, and motivated at bi-monthly meetings.
E-mail: [email protected]

Donate Life Wyoming
Website: donatelifewyoming.org

Wyoming Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: dmv.org/wy-wyoming

ESRD Network 3, Quality Insights
Website: qirn3.org

Donate Life Puerto Rico
Website: donevidapuertorico.org

Puerto Rico Organ Donor Registry, DMV
Website: organdonor.gov

Puerto Rico Renal Health
Website: prrenalhealth.org

RSN’s renal resources by state is here to help people who have kidney disease find support resources available in their local community. Resources vary by state and can include a range of resources including ESRD offices, temporary transplant housing, government websites, organ donation assistance, and local kidney disease patient groups. If you need to find a kidney disease support group in your area, a good place to start is to click on the tab with your state and look up your local ESRD office. They will have the most current support group information in their network.

If you know of a great renal resource that doesn’t yet appear on our list please e-mail us and tell us about it!

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