Lana Kacherova, RN, BSN, MPH, CNN, CPHQ | Treasurer

RENAL SUPPORT NETWORK BOARDLana Kacherova, RN, BSN, MPH, CNN, CPHQ has been working in the dialysis industry since 1993 in different capacities, taking care of people with kidney disease. She started as a dialysis technician, then became a nurse, later transitioned to clinical coordinator of a hemodialysis unit, quality improvement professional, and case manager. While working full-time, Lana attended California State University Northridge, and received a BS degree in Nursing and Master of Public Health in Health Education. She recently joined Kaiser Permanente of Southern California as a Renal Case Manager.


Editorial Contributions by Lana Kacherova, RN, BSN, MPH, CNN, CPHQ:

Know Your Lifeline: How to recognize and prevent dialysis access complications

What You Can’t See Can Hurt You

Choosing and Caring for Your Vascular Access