“Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.” — Cecil B. DeMille
I love to create things! For the last 7 years one my hobbies has been making jewelry. When I am in the creative zone it helps eliminate pain, makes me happy and time flies. When I am creating something, or watching someone create, it helps me relax and live in the moment. Research has shown that when you work with your hands it helps your mental well-being and makes you happy. I agree with this statement wholeheartedly.
This past weekend, I decided to have a Holiday Jewelry Boutique to benefit the RSN. It was so much fun to get feedback on what I have made and discover what people like. The bonus was I got to catch up with friends, make new ones and raise couple thousand dollars for RSN. Now, I have a gazillion ideas of new pieces to make based on feedback from attendees.
Sign up for Pinterest and let your imagination go wild. Type in a word from cookies to home improvement and you will be amazed how many ideas pop up. Creativity is a gift and we must spark the flame to boost it.
I agree with Cecil B. DeMille when he said “Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.”
Have a wonderful, creative and inspired Holiday Season.
Here are a few links to help inspire you:
Creativity, Happiness and Your Own Two Hands
“Buttons are Helping Me Keep it Together”
Web ID 7011