Lori has a conversation with Ellen Shukhman, Clinical Program Coordinator for a kidney living donor program in California. Ellen explains the step by step process that donors go through to donate a kidney. Who makes the first call? Who can donate? How long does the evaluation take? Who pays for the transplant? How long is the hospital stay for donors? What are some possible complications? What if you’re not a match? Listen to this informative interview to learn about the ins and outs of living donation.
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Hosted By Lori Hartwell
Lori Hartwell is the Founder & President of Renal Support Network (RSN) and the host of KidneyTalk®, a radio podcast show. Lori was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of two. In 1993 she founded RSN to instill “health, happiness and hope” into the lives of those affected by chronic kidney disease. Lori is also the author of the inspirational bookChronically Happy: Joyful Living in Spite of Chronic Illness and is a four-time kidney transplant recipient.