Asking for Help Can Be a Gift to Others


Why is it always hard to ask for help? Is asking for help a sign of weakness?  We are willing to help others, but often we find it hard to express our own needs.  Toni Bernhard is the author of two books, How to be Sick and How to Live Well with a Chronic Illness & Pain.  Toni has a resilient and informative voice of helping others with a chronic illness learn strategies to cope and thrive.  Lori and Toni discuss specific ideas you can do so you can ask other for help in your times of need. if you have limitations that prevent you from doing a task, asking for help is a gift to you and the helper.

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With your Host…

Lori Hartwell is the Founder & President of Renal Support Network (RSN) and the host of KidneyTalk®, a radio podcast show. Lori was diagnosed with kidney disease at the age of two. In 1993 she founded RSN to instill “health, happiness and hope” into the lives of those affected by chronic kidney disease. Lori is also the author of the inspirational book Chronically Happy: Joyful Living in Spite of Chronic Illness and is a four-time kidney transplant recipient.