Kidney Kin Foodies
Kidney Kin Foodies
Learn kidney diet tips and tricks from kidney transplant recipient and Renal Nutritionist Lubna Akbany, RDN, CSR. 3rd Weds. of every month at 1:00pm – 2:30pm PT.
Learn kidney diet tips and tricks from kidney transplant recipient and Renal Nutritionist Lubna Akbany, RDN, CSR. 3rd Weds. of every month at 1:00pm – 2:30pm PT.
Get Creative – Do you have a passion for creativity? Let’s inspire each other! We’d like to know more about your creative endeavors, no matter what they may be. Share your current or past projects with us! 3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00pm – 5:00pm PT (5:00pm MT, 6:00pm CT, 7:00pm ET) Find the time of […]
RSN’s Monthly Support Group – Finding support beyond that offered by family and friends can help you cope with the life changes of kidney disease. Support groups have shown to reduce loneliness, provide a sense of empowerment, improve coping skills, reduce anxiety, help develop a clearer understanding of what to expect and provide hope for the […]
Get your much needed exercise with personal trainer, Edina Tanacs. (Please clear with your doctor that you are ok to do light stretching and exercises.) Have a sturdy chair handy. Classes are one hour long but you can opt to join for the first half hour, the second half hour or the full hour is […]