Take Action on Current Legislation that Affects People Who Have Kidney Disease
The following bills, introduced during the 118th Congress (2023–2024) to support advancement and innovation in kidney care, may be reintroduced during the 119th Congress (2025-2027). If they are reintroduced, we will update you with the latest information and provide a form to help you reach out to your elected officials to advocate for their sponsorship and passage into law.
The Restore Protections for Dialysis Patients Act, H.R.6860 If passed, this legislation will restore the intended protections and ensure that people who have this disease can make informed choices about their healthcare coverage without facing pressure from their group health plan to shift to Medicare.
The Action Chronic Kidney Disease Improvement in Research and Treatment Act, H.R. 5027/S. 4469. Passing this Act would be a significant step toward improving care for people who have kidney disease.
The Living Donor Protection Act, H.R. 2923/S.1384 If passed, this bill would prohibit discrimination of living organ donors by employers, life insurance providers, disability and long-term care insurance carriers.
The Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act, H.R.6171 If passed, this bill would provide a tax credit to help relieve financial barriers to living kidney donation.