RSN’s series of topical Zoom meetings are informative and so much fun! Topics include the kidney diet, exercise, hobbies and more. This is a great way to connect with others living with kidney disease, make new friends and learn new things. There will be a link provided via email before each meeting. There are no fees to attend, but registration will be required in order to protect attendees privacy. Please add [email protected] as a safe sender to your address book to ensure that you receive the email link.
Here is a list of upcoming Zoom Meetings. Sign up using the form below this list.
RSN’s Monthly Support Group – Finding support beyond that offered by family and friends can help you cope with the life changes of kidney disease. People who attend RSN’s support group share their experiences, strength and strategies to live a hopeful and joyful life. Join us!
Fourth Sunday of every month, 2:00pm – 3:30pm PT
Second Tuesday of every month, 2:00pm – 3:30pm PT
Find the time of the meeting in your timezone
Exercise – Get your much needed exercise at Kidney Kin Fitness with personal trainer, Edina Tanacs and Be Fit While You Sit with personal trainer, Nicole Simpson.
Kidney Kin Fitness Monday and Wednesday 4:00pm – 5:00pm PT
Be Fit While you Sit Chair Exercise Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00pm PT – 1:00pm
Find the time of the meeting in your timezone
Kidney Kin Foodies – Learn kidney diet tips and tricks from kidney transplant recipient and Renal Nutritionist Lubna Akbany, RDN, CSR. RSN is excited to present Kidney Kid Foodies, an online kidney diet support group led from the perspective of both a person who has kidney disease and a degree in nutrition.
3rd Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm – 2:30pm PT – Starts on June 15, 2022
Find the time of the meeting in your timezone
Get Creative – Do you have a passion for creativity? Let’s inspire each other! We’d like to know more about your creative endeavors, no matter what they may be. Share your current or past projects with us!
3rd Thursday of each month at 4:00pm – 5:00pm PT
Find the time of the meeting in your timezone
Kidney Kin Book Club – RSN is excited to bring passionate readers together to discuss inspiring stories. Our next book is: The Less People Know About Us: A Mystery of Betrayal, Family Secrets, and Stolen Identity by Axton Betz-Hamilton
Axton Betz-Hamilton grew up in small-town Indiana in the early ’90s. When she was 11 years old, her parents both had their identities stolen. Their credit ratings were ruined, and they were constantly fighting over money. This was before the age of the Internet, when identity theft became more commonplace, so authorities and banks were clueless and reluctant to help Axton’s parents.
Our next meeting is Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 4:00 pm PT
Find the time of the meeting in your timezone
Use the form below to register: